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September 12, 2008



Please, I'd like to keep following you on the new blog



Umm, yeah, I think I got the info updated, sorry about that.


I would like to follow you to you're new blog. Thanks.


I don't know you at all. A friend suggested that I read your blog. And, now I want to continue reading!


Me too, I would like to keep reading. And no, I don't know you in real life!


Hi -- not sure what happened, but I asked for the new URL before and did not receive it -- maybe it got into my spam folder? Could we try again, please? My email address is jbrown14464 at yahoo dot com. Thank you so much. I've been reading for years and I'm eager to keep learning from you.


Hi- I've been reading your blog for a while, and would love to keep reading. I don't know you in real life, could you send me the new info?


I commented on your last post, but didn't get an e-mail. I definitely don't know you in real life, and would miss your writing quite a bit if I couldn't keep reading!


I would like to follow you to your new blog.


I'd love to keep reading your blog. I emailed, but if I got a response it went into my spam filter, so can we try again? I'm at redaly at hotmail dot com.


I would love to keep following your blog. I'm a lurker, but a nice lurker. jenbuster(at) gmail dot com. Thanks!


I guess I should've read the post before this one more carefully. I don't know you IRL, I can't even remember where I came from when I found your blog but I've stayed since then. Sorry!


I commented on your last post but didn't get an e-mail. I definitely don't know you in real life, and have loved reading your blog for the last two years and really want to keep reading. My e-mail address is meredithcricco at yahoo dot com.


I made a request previously, but haven't received an email. I don't know you, but would like to continue to read your blog. Thanks.


I made a request previously, but haven't received an email. I don't know you, but would like to continue to read your blog. Thanks.


I would like to keep reading.



I haven't been reading of late, but would like to keep reading. I live in Italy so if we know each other it's that scary 6 degrees of separation stuff....;-)

Thanks and hope to continue reading you.

Faceless Graceless

I'd love to keep following... can yous end me your new link? Can't imagine how I would know you IRL... can't even remember how I found you here!

Debbie in the Uk

Been away. Sorry! Can I have you new link please??? Would never know you IRL, unless you are friends with someone in Wales?




Hi, I'd like to be able to continue reding your blog. I don't know you in real life. Don't remember how I found your blog. I am also a blind parent.

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