About a year and a half ago, D and I had a big argument that resulted in a "contract." One of the stipulations on the contract was that I would move the blog and go anonymous. I never got around to doing it. Also, since then, I've been fiddling around with wordpress quite a bit, and I have to say I really can't stand typepad now. So, I think it is time for the move. Always tricky. So, we're moving. Soon. And if you want, I'll take you with me. I will pretty much take anyone with me that I don't know in real life. If you do know me in real life, don't be offended. It isn't you, its me. Or it is D and his family. It is just that I have to draw the line somewhere and that seems like the easiest criteria to go by. If you are a close friend, don't worry, I'll get to you eventually. You probably know everything I write about anyway.
So, if you want to know where I've moved, you need to email me or drop a comment that tells me who you are, how you got here, how you know me, that kind of thing. I also need a valid email address. If you have a blog or other website address, even better. I will be whois-ing people if I am still unclear about who you are. But after that, I will discharge all email addresses, IP addresses, any other private information from my computer and my head if so requested. I am not trying to be nosey as to who you are, I just want to make sure who you are not. But I hope some of you do decide to move with me. I like you! I really, really like you! And there will be drama and twin cuteness and humor and bitchiness, too!
I will be leaving this site up for a while, so if you happen upon it and read it and want to find out what happened next, go ahead and email me, too.
But, to close this puppy up...I'll leave you with a brief update.
D is doing really well. No infection. The pump all looks good. He is having to build his stamina still, but it is nice to have the old D who can form complete thoughts and sentences back after his 7 month absence into baclofen induced stupors.
Kids are well, frustrating but well. I have not done a good job this summer with homeschooling stuff or just getting them out and about as much as I should have. I've just been maintaining and it is not good enough. They get ansy and act out. But I am getting geared up for fall. I will be trying to get them into this preschool program that doesn't register until August 19th, so wish me luck with that. I have no idea if they will get in or not. If not, I will be looking at other classes and activities for them.
Last night, I was looking at the reunion site for my 20 year (God!) high school reunion. The reunion took place last weekend in Nebraska and I did not attend. But I noticed this girl I knew was listed in the "In loving memory section" And then proceded to stay up all night searching to see what happened to her. I'm recovering from the trauma that I found. She was murdered by her husband and thrown in a river. They lived on the same street that I spent 11 years growing up on. Horrible crazy sad horrible. I ended up finding out all this by happening upon a dog lovers message board of all places, where I found another girl I knew from highschool who was good friends with her and I was reading it in "real time" as she found out about it. She was missing for two weeks and their was a search and then through finding her and the arrest and trial and everything. Even though it happened two years ago, it was chilling to read like that. I felt so bad for the person on the message board. Armed with her married name, I then went back to find 1800 articles about it that I missed. It was even a story on Greta Van Susteren's show. I must have been knee deep in baby brain or something because I didn't have a clue. I don't know why I'm telling you this, it isn't really an update about me, it was just very, very sad. When I was in middle school, I took industrial arts instead of home ec. Back then, only boys took shop. This girl was the only other girl in the class with me and we sat next to each other all two years. She was way into horses and animals and I was jealous because she had her own horse and went riding and did competitions and stuff. I hate this ending for her and I also hate that this story is so damned typical. She was basically a battered wife whose husband one night battered her to death. The friend on the dog lovers message board even ended up taking her dog, who was found roaming in the streets. She said something interesting. That sometimes battered women have trouble leaving because they can't find a shelter that will take their animal and they know if they leave it behind it will be abused or neglected. So, my friend on the dog lover's site that does animal rescue did a really cool thing. She was trying to put together a program that linked the women's shelters with animal rescue shelters. So there would be a plan available for the pets, too. Pretty cool, I thought. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to write that story out. Such a terrible and unfair ending.
But, in better news, I am leaving to go on my trip in one week. Everything seems to be in place except for the little stuff like packing and laundry and stuff. I'm making the kids a chart so every morning they can X out a day that I'm gone so they get an idea that I'm coming back and when I'll be home. And then I will call them daily, of course. I'm leaving them my reluctant team of three that put together don't even equal one of me. (Arrogant, much?) I have a good babysitter. She is great, and I don't include her in my band of idiots (see why I need a private website? I can't help myself.) She is just young. She is 17 and can't drive. she is very dependable and good with them, though. Then my dad and D, who both have their positive points. My dad has the energy and the car and the physical ability. D has the sense and is the closest to the kids besides me. Besides his physical disadvantage and energy disadvantage, I mostly worry about the fact that he has trouble stepping up and taking charge. So, I know between the three of them it will all work out and be fine...but I could think of a few moms, some of which are probably reading this right now, who I think could replace me in a heartbeat and I would not have a hesitation in the world. You know, people who will just get things done and know what to do and do it? And also do it without reluctance and with gentleness and kindness? You know what I mean? I'm not saying that only mom's can do this because I can think of one or two men who can do this, too. I'm just saying that for this trip, I don't have that. But I have three people (and a few friends that would probably step in if the shit hit the fan) so it will all be okay and I'm getting the fuck outta dodge.
I can't think of anything earth-shattering besides all this. There will be a few surprises on the new blog. So let me know in comments if you would like me to email you the URL. I am going to try to work on it tonight and get people emailed in the next week.
Otherwise...thank you and goodbye Twinkle Little Star! You were a good friend the past three years, and led me to some awesome, awesome people!
Take me with you please!
[email protected]
If you need more info than the general blog stuff, let me know.
Posted by: AmericanFamily | August 15, 2008 at 09:51 PM
Can't remember exactly how I found your blog (maybe through Snickollet), but I like to read your posts because your twins are a little older than my son. I admire you as a Mom and would love to keep up with your adventures. --Thanks.
Posted by: Mariluz Bogarin | August 16, 2008 at 12:08 AM
Please take me! I am the one who was bugging you to write about health care.
Posted by: bliss | August 16, 2008 at 12:20 AM
I've been reading a long time and have to continue! You don't know me IRL!
Posted by: process | August 16, 2008 at 02:54 AM
Long time reader, rarely comment but I'd hate to lose you.
Posted by: Leslie | August 16, 2008 at 05:01 AM
Hey, I'd love to come, too. You can see my blog and I think we've emailed enough that you know me. Thanks!
Posted by: Linda | August 16, 2008 at 05:50 AM
I rarely post, but I've been following you for a few years now, at least. I think that I found you through Shannon's blog (Peter's Cross Station), but it might have been AmFam's instead. Let me know if you'd like any further info - I have no blog, since I've killed them all over the years.
Posted by: alice | August 16, 2008 at 06:37 AM
Pick me pick me :) I'm a blog reader (and very sporadically a writer) and I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the years. My younger sister has a genetic disorder that leaves her in limbo between fully functioning and handicapped so I find myself learning a lot from you. Good luck also with going underground! I too changed from a totally open to a more hidden blog but unlike you, I just didn't have the stick-to-it-ness that I needed to keep it going. I really can't wait to see what you have in store for the new blog :)
Posted by: Heidi | August 16, 2008 at 06:46 AM
I don't know you IRL, but you know more about me than most people on the internet. I sent you an email this past spring and asked to use one of your blog posts. You said yes. I don't want to put more into the comments, but if you want to email me I will give you more information.
Posted by: Yondalla | August 16, 2008 at 08:26 AM
We talk sometimes. But never in real life. Take me with too please!
Posted by: Cecily Whitworth | August 16, 2008 at 09:39 AM
I found your blog when Shannon linked to it. Please take me with you to the new blog. I love reading about the kids, and the posts about disability (especially relations with caregivers) give me a lot to think about.
Posted by: luolin | August 16, 2008 at 11:15 AM
Have no clue how I found your blog- maybe through a comment or someone else linking to you. I enjoy reading it, so please take me with you.
Posted by: Krista | August 16, 2008 at 12:15 PM
Well, duh, of COURSE I need to go with you. :-)
And good luck on your well-deserved trip.
Posted by: Emmie (Better Make It A Double) | August 16, 2008 at 12:36 PM
I found you around 2 years ago after googling "I hate Oprah" HA!
You certainly enlighten me to views I've never before been exposed to. So, please take me along!!
Posted by: Mendy | August 16, 2008 at 01:13 PM
I found you through American Family, maybe? I'm not a blog writer, just a blog reader. Essentially, I'm just nosy & like keeping up with you.
Posted by: Jeanette | August 16, 2008 at 04:40 PM
I also found you through some of your comments on American Family. I'm not much of a commenter but I am a loyal lurker!
My email isn't on my blog -- it's [email protected].
I hope your trip goes well, both on your end and on the home front.
Posted by: L. | August 16, 2008 at 04:45 PM
I also would like to tag along. I can't even remember what brought me here first -it might have been someone linking to one of your discussions of accessibility, since I was doing research on web accessibility at the time - but you've been in my bloglines subscriptions ever since.
I came for your points of view on accessibility and access in general, but I stayed because I've enjoyed the writing.
Posted by: Sara | August 16, 2008 at 06:03 PM
Take me, please. alannashaikh.blogspot.com - I think I found your blog through a mommyblog link. I remember when I was pregnant I read your description of what you and the boys did every day and hoped I'd be as good a mother. I now have a 2.5 year old.
Posted by: Alanna | August 16, 2008 at 07:12 PM
I'd be interested to come along--I love your writing and your wit.
Posted by: Penny | August 16, 2008 at 07:37 PM
Oh my gosh, please take me with you! I've been reading forever and ever! I don't really have a blog to speak of, but I put my myspace page in the url slot. I promise, you don't know me :-).
Amy from Missouri
Posted by: Amy | August 16, 2008 at 10:40 PM
Take me with you too! Not sure how I originally found your blog but I really enjoy reading your writing. I don't know you IRL. My email address is [email protected], and my blog is at maia-familytimes.blogspot.com. Thanks for writing.
Posted by: Maia | August 17, 2008 at 12:28 AM
Please take me with you! I have loved reading your stories. As a special needs teacher, your explanations of how it really is to live as a person with disabilities helps me to be the best teacher and supporter for my students as I can be.. oh and your kids are great!
-Erin Alanna
[email protected]
Posted by: Erin Alanna | August 17, 2008 at 07:59 AM
I wanna go, too! I got here a couple years ago via Shannon's blog, and I think you are just amazing. My email is [email protected].
Love, Laura
Posted by: Laura in L.A. | August 17, 2008 at 09:36 AM
Hello. I think you're pretty amazing, too. I've been lurking for a long time, I think I even commented once on a post that disappeared soon afterwards. I've no idea how I arrived here -- perhaps through Peter's Cross Station but perhaps it was the other way round. You still called your kids 'babies' then I think. Oh and I don't know you in real life since I come from Greece and live in the UK and I have never set foot on America.
Posted by: DimitraDaisy | August 17, 2008 at 09:52 AM
I'd like to come please! I think you know me, but if not, I'll be happy to give more info!
Posted by: baggage | August 17, 2008 at 01:34 PM