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« RIP: Harriet McBryde Johnson | Main | Updates and the Trouble with Blogging. »

June 21, 2008



Good luck!


I am of course sorry to hear about stuff not working out with D, keep fingers crossed and hope stuff works out next time, just such a pain in the,… you know where. As for the project in August, all the best of luck to you with it, sounds like it could maybe do you some good. Last, but of course not least, potty stuff, it will end, just stick to it and so will all of the penis discussions!!


Nope. Penis discussion go on until at least six.
Sorry about D. That sucks.


My experience is that grown men talk about their penises. I'm not sure it ever goes away. :)

I'm really glad you are back blogging, and I'm completely infuriated about D's surgery. That sucks.

Laura in L.A.

Oh, Lisa. I had assumed that your absence from blogging was because of all of the preparations that you had described for D's surgery. I was so hoping that the pump was in! Dammit! What is WRONG with all those "medical professional" people?! Their lack of attentiveness to D's situation and that of his family is buying them a special circle of hell!

I am praying that they get their act together next time so that you and D and the boys can get back to an easier life!

Love, Laura


I for one, am relieved that it was cleaning and not something exciting.

re: penis talk. Both of those will be great wedding toasts, though!


I suspect the penis talk will get worse over the years. Personally, I think it's fantastic how quote #2 actually subverts the phallocentric world view! Kinda like when my 2.5 yo daughter asked, at a gay male-themed art gallery in gay-male themed Chelsea/NY where phallic images abounded: "Mama, where is this man's vulva?"

That Girl


You should complain. Only by constant complaints do hsopitals adjust their policies to be patient-friendly. Trust me on this.

That Girl

FYI - I meant Naim's comment was hilarious and the other part was about the surgery. In case, you dont, like, live in my head.

That Girl

FYI - I meant Naim's comment was hilarious and the other part was about the surgery. In case, you dont, like, live in my head.


I hope all is going well with D this time around. Thinking of you! A lot!

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