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« Candle of Concern; Candle of Gratitude | Main | Homeschool Inventory (take 2) »

February 05, 2008



Hahaha! Your dad is funny.

I feel bad for Britney Spears also. Maybe a guardian ad litem is next? I told my husband that she was reportedly yelling that her mom put her in the hospital because she (Lynne) wanted to sleep with her (Britney's) boyfriend. I was all like, dude, nobody but you wants to sleep with that guy. My husband said, "Yeah, but what a horrible thing to believe." Good point, and I was suitably chastened for being flip.


Sorry you aren't well and Aaron isn't well and D isn't well. Looking forward to the school post, though.

What's up with Britney Spears, anyway?

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