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« Preschool, homeschool, etc. (Next time) | Main | The Sweetest Day »

February 08, 2008


Mary Grace

We did Calvert our first "official" year of homeschooling (kindergarten) and hated every minute of it. I can not stress enough how scripted, boring and plain old schoolish the whole thing was. I kick myself when I look back on what we spent and then see what we could have had!

I use Sonlight eclectically now--we take quite a few rabbit trails, and make the program work for us--I'm not afraid to add or to take away, if you know what I mean.

It sounds like you are a thoughtful, careful homeschooling parent who knows her childrens' strengths and weaknesses. With that kind of loving attention to detail, I think anything you come up with will be great for your boys!


Your boys' room looks like heaven on earth for three-year-olds!! I want your shelves! You could go into business redoing kids' rooms...

I can't even comment on your preschool-homeschool musings - the whole decision process is just so exhausting. Last year we went through a year-long process of choosing an elementary school, which now feels like a distant memory, but are now moving and have to start over! Take heart that the boys will do fine with whatever you choose, because you're clearly giving it plenty of thought.

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