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January 23, 2008



You must hang out on a different corner of the blogosphere than me - I haven't read anything about home births lately! I was planning a home birth but pre-eclampsia sent me into the hospital for two very long weeks before I was induced at 34 weeks (son was born 3 days later at 35 weeks). So yeah, hospitals = good. But damn, those 2 weeks in the hospital, eating kosher gestational diabetes food, watching the cockroaches hang out, trying to communicate with the non-English speaking nurses, hoping like hell I wasn't going to get a staph infection - those were two very long weeks. (I'm an American in Israel). I am very glad for your sake that you don't mind them, and your boys look like they're having a ball hanging out with Daddy!

Ugh about the tumbling mommies. Can you bring a book?


You surely have two beautiful children! And so well cared for! You and D are lucky to have found one another. What is the story there? Amazing! Do you ride the new tram up to the U of O Medical Hospital? I think that would be frightening!I do not like heights!

I am coming to Hillsboro one of these days, how do I get to meet you and the boys in person? I am just a harmless old lady!


I'm with you about being comfortable in health care settings. Also, western medicine saved my life when I got RA. I was so ill, and now I'm better. I'm very grateful. And I'm totally with you on the home birth too. It's a nice option, but it's not for everyone and people should be respectful of that. It wouldn't have worked for preeclamptic me, and when my daughter was born she could not eat, regulate her blood sugar, and she got jaundice. The hospital was a good place to be.

In regards to Aaron, you know boys/men are from Mars. :)

I hope D feels better soon.


I agree with you about home births - and I've had two. But I've also had a slew of surgery and was very grateful to have the medical options available. I'd like to see all pregnant women have safe and respectful choices in how and where they give birth. And a lack of stupidity and cluelessness would be nice while I'm dreaming...

That gymnastics teacher sounds excellent and like she has a reasonable sense of normal variation in how kids approach new situations and aren't all at the same point in their physical development at the same time. what a concept!

Can't deal with those sorts of socially competitive mothers either. I don't know what to say to them or why for that matter. What a bore.

Hope D's convalescence goes quickly and smoothly!


I know what you mean about the other mothers. Try being childless and deal with mothers talking only about their children. That's what I like about your blog--you talk about life and not just children.


I can't help it! Possibly incentive spirometer or peak flow meter. QUITE POSSIBLY something completely different.

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