I've been practicing (as usual, sigh) keeping my big mouth shut and not having to spew every. single. opinion. I have all over the place and just make nice, polite small talk. It is a deal I've made with D to practice for a potential social event that I know will be tough. This might ruin me.
Okay. So I'm hanging in there. But I just need to say this to no one in particular (of course) before smoke rises uncontrollably from my orifices:
Yes. I do believe there are very real threats to our national security. Yes, I do believe there are people who want to hurt us. Yes, I do think there is a need for a strategy to protect ourselves.
That being said, this bullshit where because A is guilty of something that makes B blameless is chickenshit, kindergarten ideology. Try to hike yourself up a few more rungs on Kohlberg's ladder of moral development for me and follow along.
You can't protect our human rights by torturing people.
You can't fight for democracy by occupying and oppressing people.
You can't support people's freedom of speech by spying on them.
You can't protect your own religious freedom by persecuting others for their beliefs.
You can't claim due process and then falsely imprison people.
I could go on...But its as my dude Jacob would say, "You can't hide guns in the temple and expect the enemy not to bomb the alter."
You can't fight for these things that you value unless you act worthy of having them. With all rights come responsibilities.
What the "enemy" does or doesn't do is not as important as what you do. You need to be worthy of your own beliefs and values.
Are we perfect? No. But that doesn't mean you can write yourself a blank check--an IOU against morality because we are 'at war' or because things are tough. And act like when its all over, when all of our enemies are gone, THEN we will shape up and get back on the freedom/ human rights/ democracy bandwagon again. When its easy. When all of our enemies are obliterated. You can't control people in the name of your own freedom and act like when its all safe, then you will live up to your ideals. The ideals are most important to stand up for when its the hardest to do it and when you are at the greatest risk for doing so. Its lazy ass shit to only act your best when in the best circumstances. You don't get a free pass to be an asshole just because there is a threat. That is when it is most important to not be an asshole.
You will always have way less enemies when they see you acting worthy of your own stated case.
GAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWDDDDD. Don't be such a pansy-ass.
Here. I found this very old song that always calms me down.
That's better. G'nite.
Well said, Lisa.
Posted by: process | December 02, 2007 at 05:58 AM
I agree with you.
Posted by: J. | December 02, 2007 at 08:38 PM
Great song, too. =)
Posted by: J. | December 02, 2007 at 08:39 PM
just wanted to say Thank You for not mutilating (circumcising) your sons. You give me hope that Americans are not all a bunch of idiots.
Posted by: john doe | December 07, 2007 at 02:06 AM
Let governments get out of the way of peace.
People want peace. Governments somehow get in the way.
Posted by: LPN to BSN Nursing Grad | January 28, 2008 at 08:22 AM