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November 19, 2007



Having kids is the best thing that I have ever done. But it is exhausting. I sometimes think about how I'll never know what it would be like to have two able-bodied adults and one kid, because I was very sick after my daughter was born, and my husband worked evenings. I would work a full day and come home and be in charge until bedtime, and I felt like I was going to die. But when I got healthier and my husband stopped working evenings, I suddenly realized the situation was manageable! But, of course, I don't regret it, not even a tiny bit.


I don't think there is a "perfect" time to have kids, but the right time is when you can look your SO in the eye and both say - lets go!

(But don't wait too long.)

Haveing kid(s) is fun, and exhasting, and fun, and exciteing, and ...


As cool as a cucumber


Below the salt

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