While at Petsmart, after we had visited the fish, birds, cats, dog obedience class, and various rodents:
A: Where are the dinosaurs?
Me: They don't have dinosaurs here.
A: I want to see the dinosaurs!! WHERE ARE THE DINOSAURS!!!!
Me: There are no dinosaurs here, we'll have to wait till we get home and you can play wi--
A: (big, sobbing nasaly whine) Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Whyyyyyy don't they have any diiiiinosaaaaaauuuuurs?
Me: Because they are extinct. They don't live on earth anymore, they were only alive a long, long time ago.
A: NO! No dinosaurs extiiiiinct! I don't LIIIIIIKE it when dinosaurs extinct! Maaamaaa! Make the dinosaurs not extinct RIGHT NOW!
Me: (desparately count the minutes until naptime.)
You mean as a mom you can't make the dinosaurs come back to life?
Our children think we can do anything.
I am sure they will learn soon enough.
Posted by: Angela | October 23, 2007 at 08:14 PM