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June 11, 2007



Thanks for bitching and moaning. Sometimes I think I'm the only one who does it. Frankly, I think you've got a list of legitimate complaints there.



I have a friend who used to be involved with the UU (a minister). I don't know if she would have any insights for you, but I can ask if you like.

I'm curious, was there a reason you went with Vonage over SKype?


I've been reading your blog for a while and decided to finally comment....The fact that you whine only makes you human! If you portrayed everything to be perfect all the time we Moms would know you weren't truthful. Sounds to me like you are a Mommmy that has been stuck in the house with two children too long and need a break. That doesnt make you a bad Mom or person, it just means you are human. Life overwhelms us all from time to time. Hang in there! It gets better..


Maybe you should just scream. Screaming feels so good when I feel like crap.


hi there, i am a wheelchair user and a medical student. i would love to hear from you about issues related to medical care for people with disabilities. For example: What are the elements of "cultural competance" for care of people with disabilities? What specific accessibility features would make your trip to the doctor better (whether or not they are mandated by law)? What are the things doctors do that are most helpful and least helpful? What disability-related content would you lke to see included as part of medical school curricula? If you ever have time & interest in thinking about these questions I would love to hear your thoughts. Your disability culture blog entry was one of the best things I have ever read about disability, and your thoughts on this stuff are always good! thanks, bliss

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