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March 17, 2007



Hey Lisa,

Your kids are absolutely KODAs. It doesn't matter if the deaf or hard of hearing parent is a signer, a cuer, a writer, or 100% oral. There are commonalities among all hearing kiddos whose parents(s) have hearing loss. Or so I'm told.

Also, your kids are what I call "SCOBAs" - sighted children of blind adults. The term hasn't really caught on - it just came to me when I was talking to woman about her experiences growing up with a blind mom - the stories she told reminded me a lot of the CODA stories I've heard. For example, in elementary school, she used to get upset that the teacher said her drawings were pretty but never "looked" at them (with her hands). KODA kids can get upset when their hearing teachers or classmates don't use direct eye contact during communication, or read in unintentional communication from hearing people's facial expressions.

Hearing non-signers make odd faces all the time and have no idea they're doing it, or that they may be communicating some emotional or grammatical information to KODAs. This came up with the KODA first grader I used to tutor, and in fact, it's coming up now that I live with hearing family members and work in a school for the blind. After 2 or 3 years living in the Deaf world as a hearing signer at Gallaudet, I'm finding it hard to tell when hearies are meaning more than they say out loud. I didn't expect this much culture shock :).

Anyway, I bet if more SCOBAs talked to each other or had a conference like CODA International does, they'd find cultural commonalities among themselves. And I bet they'd decide on a name for themselves, too :). SCOBA is just my own shorthand, based on the term CODA.


We love signing time.
No, my kids aren't deaf. They have autism. But we use it, they enjoy it. My son's first word was "more" as in, "more nurse". He signs it all day long to get something, M&Ms, drink, bath, car, you name it.
I find I rarely discuss both boys equally. I discuss the younger one more because he has more significant issues. They are both the light of my life but it is uneven. I hope the older one doesn't feel slighted!


I'm glad you're feeling better, all of you.

Reading your blog just fuels my fires for wanting to move back to Portland. I'd love to take those art classes at the Children's Museum; we've been taking Kindermusik here and we're practically going to have to take a second mortgage on our house if we want to continue. Bah.

I've been wanting to get those Signing Times DVDs. Time to go put them in my library queue.



Glad you are on the mend. We just got out of the hospital because Ellie got the same thing and we could not keep her hydrated. Then Dave and I got it at the same time. I am so with you on having had enough vomit, diarreah and snot to last a life time.

Ok, the knee thing, OOOOOhhhh so CUTE! Sooo cute! And also future blackmail material.

I love to read all the things you are doing with the kids. Ellie has some pretty bad sensory integration issues, especially auditory defensiveness and gets upset at even story time. It's hard, I would love to take her to art classes, etc. Maybe that will change some day.

I love reading all that you do for your two little wonders.

Also, thanks for your great comment regarding the school stuff on my blog. It's nice to be validated by an ex-insider!

Keep getting better,

Rachel Coleman

Well YOU are so welcome! I love that they call me MOM too!!! LOL. You can often find Signing Time Playgroups in your area by visiting:

Thanks for vlogging about Signing Time!

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