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December 09, 2006



That made me cry. Very pretty pictures of you by the way!


Delurking to say hi! I found your site via Peter's Cross Station. I wanted to say what a beautiful tribute this was to Mara. A few years ago I got a Hearing Ear dog (I'm Deaf) and the two of us are so close. Now it's a bit different because I went abroad for four months and couldn't take her with me. My then fiance, now husband, took care of her and now the two of them are best buds. I'm okay with it, though as I have a 16-month-old leech for a son. ;) Your boys are beautiful and I love reading about them.


That was a very informative post.

And what a sweet girl, Mara was. I want a dog with a PhD. Sounds nice!


i love the photos of the dogs because it is just like the one i have.get this heros story but iam very sad because i have to loose this good friend of mine.this guide dog was left with me by an american lady who was working in cameroon with the shantal's biya foundation.her husband(completely blind in one eye) died of a car accident in cameroon close to 2 years ago and when she was returning back to her home country, she sold most of her properties and shared the rest to friends like us who really helped them during their long stay in cameroon.i who was working in their house was a good friend to this dog and was in love with this dog for its wonderful talents of guidiance to late mr shivas and as a dog footballer. so i requested the dog as part of my own gift and she kindly gave it to me especially as her husband was no more to use it again.but now i have lost my jop because the campany i worked in is closed. so i do not have enough money to continue feeding this dog,though its really but i have no choice rather than to giveit out to someone else as it was also given to me. so i am giving it out to anyone who will prove to me that he or she is able to keep this dog in its normal e mail is [email protected] phone number is +2375879227.

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