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July 24, 2006



You are so incredibly focused on what you want and what you need to do. It is so impressive. I am sorry D is not doing so well. I hope that is health takes a turn for the better. I love your family!


Thanks, baggage.

I could say the exact same thing about you. What you and Bug have managed to accomplish is truly inspirational and I think we have both had to make some tough decisions for our families. Good thing we're so good at it!

That Girl

I hope you dont mind if I think of you as a mom. You dont seem disabled to me at all.

Mike Dorn

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on 'disability studies primers.' I teach Disability Studies her at Temple University, and we have to keep this issue in mind as we introduce students to themes that they might not have thought about before. Perhaps I should check out Hockenberry's book. MD

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