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« One Tree, Many Branches | Main | First Steps »

March 22, 2006



hi lisa.
i am on DAY THREE of exercising. yup, sure, you go ahead and start and i will be happy to shame you if you fail! :)


Okay, first, for god's sake, stop talking to detractors who think you shouldn't have a cell phone or internet! If they're too dumb to get why you need that, they're too dumb to talk to.

Second, try I worked for them briefly last year. You tutor college kids via the internet, mostly on freshman comp-type papers. You can also tutor in Math and I think science and foreign languages, but I think you'd qualify for the English papers thing. There's no training--just a sort of try-out where you sample correct a paper and they give you tips on what you did well or could do better. Then they look over your shoulder for a while on the job and keep giving tips (they want the feedback really standardized).

It pays $11/hour, which is absolutely crappy, but it's quick and you can make your own schedule doing it during naps or after bedtime or whatever.

Can you access ebay? If not, want me to browse for shoes for you?

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