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March 14, 2006


John Ivey

I can relate to D's predicament. As you may remember, I'm a high level quadriplegic. I have been working with paid attendants since 1997, and I have had my share of problems, most of which I have allowed to occur myself.

My problem is that I have a dreadful fear of confrontation, which is compounded by my physical vulnerability. If I don't watch myself, I can allow a caregiver to reach an unreasonable upper hand. At one point, I had a live-in attendant who for whatever reason was a control freak. Once I allowed him to step over the line with a totally unreasonable request, his control over me snowballed to the point where I found myself in a psychologically abusive situation. After I had had enough, I came to the conclusion that the only way that I could get rid of him without a long and arduous, not to mention uncomfortable, confrontational situation, I opted for having him physically removed from the premises by uniformed police officers. What a relief that was, and what an eye-opener of an experience it had been.

I still have my fear of confrontation, but I will never let an attendant abuse me to that extent again. I have to remember that I'm the boss, and if someone is not meeting my requirements that I can let them know that they have a choice of changing or leaving.

Luckily, I'm blessed with an understanding family who would never put me through psychological hoops. It must be tough for D. I empathize with him. I hope things get better.


I feel for D not being able to talk about the boys. My dad can't talk about me, Cole or Nat with his family (mother and sister). They change the subject too and pretend he didn't say anything. And he's such a proud first-time grandfather, and he just wants to show them how cute her pictures are or whatever and they act like it's terrible that she exists.
He's afraid his mother will disinherit him for having a lesbian daughter and a Black grandchild. And she might. She's evil that way.

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