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« Caught on Tape!!! People's #764 In My Bad Mother Trial | Main | When You Know It's Definitely Time to Wash Your Keyboard Out with Soap. »

January 23, 2006



You have so much on your plate. I wish I could help you out somehow, or that more people where you are were available to support you and babysit for you. I admire you for how much you're doing. And your babies are beautiful! Don't ever let anyone convince you that you should settle for less than what you want in any way, for any reason.


1. The phone thing? Criminal!

2. Bologna on white bread???!!!

Okay, so I've been reading Andrew Weil's book on healthy aging and according to it, bologna on white bread is like a slow murder weapon for older people (well, for anyone, but especially older people). And that's what they're serving in a nursing home full of older people?!

I know it's not refusing to change the sheets of the incontinent, but it's bad enough. Bad enough!

Poor D. Poor you.

Hope he heals soon and you all get back to happy life as parents of the world's cutest twins.

I'm going to set up a little "Get Well D" altar, 'kay?


Your comments on children's seeming obligation to care for their parents really made me think - thanks. As far as the food thing goes, it always amazes me, when I'm in the hospital, how they serve such unnutritious and constipating food. What's with healthcare facilities serving up such crap???

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