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December 21, 2005



I was a little confused by this because aren't you working now, as D's PCA?

Personally, I agree with you about how the system works and the position it puts people in. This Joe Taxpayer has no problem with you being on SSDI and receiving Medicare.


Brave wonderful post. I think you are doing an excellent job.


What a valuable post. But what a shame that you would ever feel a need to write it or defend your choices, or lack of choices. There is a serious dearth of compassion in our society right now, and combined with a lack of knowledge and common sense, the results can be tragic. Thank you for sharing your reality with us.


I think having children is a basic human right and should not be judged in relationship to a parent's ability to "support" them.

I think it is in society's interest that children be supported materially and emotionally, but not necessarily by the same person/people.

But I am a radical pinko freak, so what do I know?

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