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December 14, 2005



Hi! I think it is really important to remember that they are both twins AND preemies. You have to think how old they are not from birth, but from conception. As well as all kids are so different. I personally could speak at 10 months, but my brother took longer. I think your new thing of taking one of the two shopping with you is great. Kids learn SOOO much being included in adults' daily routines out in the world. Everything is a social and learning opportunity. The switching off daycare thing sounds good too. Though I have to admit that given that many kids are in daycare fulltime all day long, and have 20 other kids, not one, demanding attention from the caregivers, yours are probably doing great with the two to one kid to childminder ratio. Think of it. Those kids whose moms work full time are almost never getting one on one mom attention. Only to rush breakfast and to daycare in the am, and rush home supper bedtime at night. The rest of the day they have constant distractions and group activities. Is there some place you could alternate them one or two days a week, and have them both gone there one day for the mom R&R day?? In any case, I would deal with the anemia, and as long as they are getting food and not starving, I think they are doing great. They'll catch up. And if they don't, they'll be small. I'm sure they'll be speaking by 6 and walking by 12. LOL!


I can definitely relate to the twin mom guilt. It got much easier for me when my girls started walking on their own and got much better about playing individually. Now I feel like I have a lot of time with each one while the other plays by herself or with the pets. Although, we play all together a lot, too, and I think this accounts for their increased socialness compared to my friends with only one baby.

Words: at our 15 month doctor's appointment, all they were supposed to say is 3 words. That's it. At our 18 month Parents As Teachers visit, she wanted to make sure they knew 10.

Speaking of Parents as Teachers, it's awesome and free and there may be one close to you. They hold near-daily playgroups in my area. I love it.

And, yes, it is SO EASY to take one baby someplace! :)


I worry about my twins' development too. So far they're on target developmentally, but they spend waaay to much time stuck in one room of our house. It's so cold here, and I don't have a car in the afternoons, even if I did want to take 2 babies somewhere by myself. I think your plan for errands is great. I don't really have any solutions, but I can relate.


my kids are preemies too, and i've heard such diverse opinions about our kid's growth that i've decided not to worry about it. their pediatrician always says they are doing fabulous, their PT seems to always find new concerns, their speech therapist sometimes says they are doing great, while other times says they are behind. we can't change their development even if we know they are behind i'm going to try to help them develop to their fullest potential, and be content with wherever that leads us. i say this....and at the same time know that you can't help but worry, and I know that even if this is my GOAL, my actual response to evals are to worry if they are bad. hopefully, how i want to respond and how i actually DO respond will become closer and closer to the same.


huh. I don't have twins, but I seriously doubt Nat will be saying six words by February.

Right now, she says "k! k!" when I try to get her to say "mama." I think it's because Cole has been trying to get her to say "Cole" and "k..." is as far as she's gotten, but she's very proud and convinced it's English.

She will be 10 months next week and is NOT crawling AT ALL. She leans a bit from a sitting position when I put something just out of her reach, then looks up at me and says "uh! uh!" which means "solve my problem, Mama Shannon!" I think she will be cruising before she's crawling.


My 13 month old son doesn't have 6 words or even 3, he gets Mama and Dad and everything else is dah, gah or bah. Your children seem to be perfectly fine, please try not to worry!

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