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October 19, 2005



I had "lazy eye" diagnosed in kindergarten, but they just gave me glasses--no patch. I think I wore them about two years and they declared it corrected.

I still wake up sometimes with a crossed eye. It goes away after a few minutes, though. Maybe if he needs anything, it will just be temporary glasses and no patch?


Dang, your pediatrician is an idiot. D seems to think you are his nanny. Your nanny sounds great! I only had a patched eye once, when I poked myself and tore my retina on a branch and had to get a stitch in my eye. I had no idea how handicapped I would be. I thought, oh, the other eye will work fine. Nope. I got splitting headaches, nausea, couldn't judge depth, walked like a drunk person on drugs. It was really hard. So my condoleances for your patched eye. I hope that they can just get you to do some sort of exercises with him instead.

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