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October 24, 2005



I always love UU look on religion. My mom and I attended one when I was a child and then later my hubby and I got married by a minster in that church. I always thought that of all the gathering together of ppl to worship they got it. LOL I however am still to lazy to get up and actually attend any kind of church. Maybe now that I am home I should find the time... I know I need to get involed with ppl... I can't let this disablity cut me off and keep me in the house.

Speaking of... can I ask... how do you tell people that you are disabled... or deal with it when they figure it out... I am so new.. and I still look young and healthy until you see me struggle to walk and move.. I donno if I should tell people or keep it to myself or what.. I donno anyone else who is disabled are there groups that meet and talk about this kind of stuff? are there resources on the net that maybe I could check out? I know I may not be permently disabled but I am right now and I just donno .. I feel so alone...

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