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October 28, 2005



Sounds bad, but it sounds like you have figured out what you need to do even if you don't want to do it. I don't think.... after 11yrs it is ignorance either... it sounds more passive abusive. I was never good at letting things go either, much to my husbands dismay, leading me to have all sorts of conflict with my inlaws and their racism. But I donna feel bad about saying what should be said when people open their mouth and show how stupid they are.


Hmmm, yes that is a bit cryptic. But I can see where you are coming from. I can see achromic got here before me. I think we're all sisters. As in, don't take shit, do our fair share of the emotional work, and not afraid of butting heads if needs be to counter bigotry and attitude. Let's just say that when you talk about the line of credit being closed down/no more withdrawals, though the bank itself is not, I can relate to that. Read my recent post on my parternal relationship? I hope you're doing fine.


Cryptic, yes, but I give you props for doing things out of commitment rather than obligation. That is a major goal in my life, too. So best of luck with that.

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