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August 26, 2005



Egads that sounds so so frustrating! I can empathise, having been on several sides of similar situations. My relationship with both my parents has gotten stickier with age. My mother got chronic fatigue and I was the "good daughter" when I helped her out, but as she gained independence, I stepped back to allow her to be an adult again, and I think she perceived it as neglect and became totally unreasonable. Instead of it being about her independence and what actual help she really needed, it became about "how much you love me". And then "how much I did for you". I had to throw my dad out the last time he visited... it was so messy... he offered to help with repairs in my building, and I offered to pay for his plane fare and he'd do the work. It ended up costing as much as if I'd hired someone, but it was this weird thing where he wouldn't stop working, even doing things I DID NOT WANT HIM TO DO, and then acted like he was such a nice guy working so hard to help me. He even complained that he came into my office once when he thought I was working and I was surfing the internet. Hello? I am over 40 yrs old? He started in on how irresponsible I am. When I own a 5plex as an artist (with zero help from him since I'm a teenager) and *I* paid for his plane fare since he hasn't the $. So messy. I decided from now on I'm just hiring a worker. I don't know what to say other than it sounds like you have the situation very clearly sussed out, and so does D's therapist. It is hard, cuz like your haircutting example, IF you get your hair cut at the salon, they take it as if they are suddenly not loved, appreciated, necessary etc, rather than you are just capable of fulfilling your own needs like any adult. Good luck with it. Sounds incredibly sticky.


Wow. That is so much to chew on.
I'm wondering if the parents could handle 30 days! Maybe it should be tiny baby steps...a week... then two weeks...
Because these people would probably lose their everloving minds, feeling dejected by the end of 30 days. Ugh. Too much... keep your chin up. It seems you've done well to carry all of this thus far.


Sounds like everyone could use the disabled-family-member version of a good alanon meeting.

You're a trooper (but NOT a martyr) to put up with the in-laws being so up in your business. You have my sympathy (but NOT pity).


Wow. That sounds very very hard to deal with. I'm sure that I would have said a few things a long long time ago. LOL one of the things that I say (but quietly) is that I was ok with marrying my hubby because both of his parents were dead and I didn't have to deal with in laws. Sounds crude I know but after dealing with the apron strings tied around various boyfriends necks I was very wary of it. I don't think it sounds like a disabled thing... it just sounds like and excuse that his parents use and if it wasn't that it would be something else. Hopefully D. will find a psyclogist that will help him draw boundries.


Obviously well thought out.
Here is hoping that recognizing the problem is truly a few steps along the way of dealing with it.

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