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August 17, 2005



You can add some of the adoptive moms to the guest-list too. Often enough I get a distinct you're-not-quite-a-real-mom vibe because I didn't give birth.

I try to play this up and say "Ah the benefits of adoption! No stretch marks!" to show I have a good sense of humor and an appreciation for their labors (literally). But this hasn't worked. It seems to reinforce their convictions, that deep-down, I can't possibly know what I'm doing.

Like you said, no amount of "look at my beautiful, healthy, happy kid" and no amount of previous childcare experience (however much more than the average experience of the average parent) seems sufficient.

Wish we lived near enough for that play date, baby!


Dang, I hope I can take you up on that playdate in the future. Thanks for this entry. You're right. I have to get used to the fact that no matter what some people are going to always think I'm not good enough. When I was inseminating I had women say to me "I'd never try to have kids as a single mom. That's just selfish. Kids need two parents". Then a week ago a friend said to me "you can't be surprised if social workers don't want to place kids with a bisexual... of course they're going to worry that you'll be with a woman for five years, then break up and be with a man, and it won't be stable for the child". This from a woman whose own heterosexual mom married at 17, had three kids, left her husband and travelled across the country with the kids by the age of 20, lived the bohemian single life in a commune until remarrying at like 28, had another kid. Divorce again before 35, remarried before 40 and had another two kids with a different husband. Tell me again how being heterosexual is guaranteed stable. And how me being bisexual is so damning? Dang. Anyways, you certainly seem like a great mom to me. Thanks again for the lgbt entry!

Kristin / Intrepid Murmurings

Beautiful post, thank you!


Just happened on your site and I just love it. Thanks for sharing. I hope D continues to recover and is home soon with you and the boys.


Hey, cubbiegirl's baby is not eating either and burning HER out too! Do you have any experienced-parent-beenthere-donethat hints?? Is it ok she gets sleep and lets the baby sleep, or does she absolutely HAVE TO keep waking it up to feed it when it doesn't want to?? thanks!


Thanks for the insight. I'm always looking for a way to combat my ignorance. I have to admit that at one time I might have been someone that would have been judgemental. But I'm really trying to learn not to be like that any more. I hope you don't mind if I read your blog and ask questions I will try to be respectful, please correct me if I say something that is offesive.

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